How to Pay for Your Course Using M-Pesa Till
Follow these simple steps to complete your payment:
- Go to your phone’s M-Pesa menu.
- Select Lipa na M-Pesa.
- Choose Buy Goods and Services.
- Enter the Till Number: 3235732.
- Enter the amount: KSh XXXX.
- Enter your M-Pesa PIN and confirm.
- You will receive an SMS confirmation from M-Pesa.
After making payment via MPesa, fill in your details below and send your transaction code.
Payment Confirmation
Sample MPesa Message:
TAP1JE8RW0, Confirmed Ksh 1000.00 paid to Chris Gutu on 24/1/25 at 10.00 A.M. Your new M-Pesa balance is Ksh 5,000. Thank you for using M-Pesa.